RUAN Zhen,Lü Lin,LIU Youbo,LIU Jie,WANG Diangang,HUANG Lin.Coordinated attack model of cyber-physical power system considering false load data injection[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(2):
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阮振1, 吕林1, 刘友波1, 刘捷2, 王电刚2, 黄林2
随着电网信息层与物理层的耦合程度越来越高,配合良好的信息物理协同攻击将对电网造成巨大的威胁。为了更好地保障电网的安全稳定运行,在信息物理高度融合的背景下,提出了一种考虑负荷数据虚假注入的双层协同攻击模型。以广泛应用的基于残差分析的不良数据检测原理为基础,制定网络攻击与物理攻击资源分配约束;以考虑权重的负荷削减期望为损失度量指标,给出了上层攻击者最大化损失和下层防御者最小化损失的具体模型及求解方案;基于修改的IEEE 14节点系统进行了定量分析,得到了不同状态下攻击者的最优攻击方案,为电网防御者在信息物理协同攻击威胁下制定新的防御方案提供参考。
关键词:  电力信息物理系统  负荷重分配攻击  虚假数据注入  协同攻击  模型
Coordinated attack model of cyber-physical power system considering false load data injection
RUAN Zhen1, Lü Lin1, LIU Youbo1, LIU Jie2, WANG Diangang2, HUANG Lin2
1.School of Electrical Engineering and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;2.State Grid Sichuan Information and Communication Company, Chengdu 610041, China
With the increasing high coupling between the cyber layer and the physical layer in the power grid, a well cyber-physical coordinated attack will pose a tremendous threat to the power grid. Under this circumstance, a bi-level coordinated attack model considering the false load data injection is proposed to better ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Based on the widely used residual analysis-based bad data detection principle, the resource allocation constraints of cyber attacks and physical attacks are formulated. The load reduction expectation considering weight is taken as a measure index of loss, and the concrete models and solutions for maximizing the losses of upper attacker and minimizing the losses of lower defenders are given. The quantitative analysis based on the modified IEEE 14-bus system is carried out. The optimal attack scheme of attackers under different states is obtained, which provides a reference for the power grid defenders to formulate the new defensive schemes under the threat of cyber-physical coordinated attacks.
Key words:  cyber-physical power system  load redistribution attack  false data injection  coordinated attack  models

