LI Jianchun,HU Zhaoqing,YIN Guanxian,LU Yu,LI Haiying.Design and control of ±500kV flexible HVDC valve section equivalent test[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(3):
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李建春, 胡兆庆, 殷冠贤, 卢宇, 李海英
南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,江苏 南京211102
关键词:  柔性直流输电  阀段  等效试验电路  控制策略  控制保护  模块化多电平换流器
基金项目:国家电网公司科技项目(±500 kV/3 000 MW高压大容量模块化电压源型换流器关键技术研究及样机研制)
Design and control of ±500kV flexible HVDC valve section equivalent test
LI Jianchun, HU Zhaoqing, YIN Guanxian, LU Yu, LI Haiying
Nanjing NR Electric Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211102, China
The working principle of multilevel converter arm bridge in ±500kV flexible HVDC is analyzed, and the basic features of valve section steady-state operating conditions and the DC-side short circuit operating conditions are summarized. Based on the above analysis and the equivalent working principle of voltage stress, current stress and thermal stress of valve section in the steady-state and the short circuit operation conditions, a kind of equivalent test device circuit of power module is designed, which satisfies the requirement of the test with at least one power module of different power levels in steady-state and the short circuit operation conditions. In view of the equivalent test circuit, its control strategy is designed based on the analysis of model, and the protection and control system of the valve section based on a three-layer structure is designed. Two bridge arms composed of a five-module two-valve section system are built, and relevant tests are carried out. The test results show that the proposed equivalent test circuit of the power module test device and protection and control system of the valve section meet the test requirements, and the control method of the multi-valve section system is effective.
Key words:  flexible HVDC power transmission  valve section  equivalent test circuit  control strategy  control and protection  modular multilevel converter

