ZHANG Jianglin,GAO Hongjun,WANG Jiayi,HONG Juhua,LIU Junyong,ZHUANG Huimin.Economic allocation of energy storage in photovoltaic power station considering prediction accuracy and topological structure[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(6):
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张江林1,2, 高红均1, 王家怡1, 洪居华1, 刘俊勇1, 庄慧敏2
1.四川大学 电气信息学院,四川 成都 610065;2.成都信息工程大学 控制工程学院,四川 成都 610225
关键词:  光伏电站  储能系统  拓扑结构  预测精度  成本  容量配置
Economic allocation of energy storage in photovoltaic power station considering prediction accuracy and topological structure
ZHANG Jianglin1,2, GAO Hongjun1, WANG Jiayi1, HONG Juhua1, LIU Junyong1, ZHUANG Huimin2
1.College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;2.School of Control Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China
Energy storage system can well support PV(PhotoVoltaic) power station connecting to power grid. In order to improve the configuration accuracy of energy storage and reduce the cost of energy storage system, considering the shortcomings of existing research, the influences of the error of PV power station output power prediction algorithm and the topological structure of energy storage on energy storage configuration are analyzed. A fast energy storage configuration method is proposed. The influence of prediction algorithm’s error on the capacity determination of energy storage is analyzed and the revenue model of energy storage is improved. A topological structure of energy storage system with dual complementary units is introduced, and its influences on the battery characteristics and the cost model of energy storage are analyzed. The investment income model is established with the maximum economic benefit as its objective. The optimal energy storage configuration scheme of a PV power station is determined based on the actual data. The example results show that, the error of prediction algorithm will lead to the increase of energy storage capacity and power, which will lead to the increase of energy storage system cost. The proposed topological structure of energy storage can effectively improve the life of battery and reduce the cost of the energy storage system.
Key words:  photovoltaic power station  energy storage system  topological structure  prediction accuracy  costs  capacity configuration

