HAO Liangliang,ZHAN Qingqing,CHEN Zhengguang,ZHOU Zexin,WANG Xingguo.Analysis of DC current transient process under AC system fault at LCC-MMC hybrid HVDC sending end[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(9):
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郝亮亮1, 詹清清1, 陈争光2, 周泽昕2, 王兴国2
1.北京交通大学 电气工程学院,北京 100044;2.中国电力科学研究院有限公司 电网安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京 100192
关键词:  混合直流输电  LCC-MMC  交流故障  直流电流解析  过零时间
Analysis of DC current transient process under AC system fault at LCC-MMC hybrid HVDC sending end
HAO Liangliang1, ZHAN Qingqing1, CHEN Zhengguang2, ZHOU Zexin2, WANG Xingguo2
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;2.State Key Laboratory for Power Grid Safety and Energy Conservation, China Electric Science Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100192, China
LCC-MMC(Line Commutated Converter-Modular Multilevel Converter) hybrid HVDC transmission solves the problem of commutation failure at traditional DC receiving end. At present, the project demonstration of receiving end flexibility in Gezhouba-Shanghai HVDC system has been carried out, and the focus is on the problem of fault ride-through problem which causes rapid decrease of DC current under the AC fault at the sending end. Therefore, firstly, the Laplace arithmetic circuit is obtained according to the system equivalent circuit of the AC fault at the sending end. Based on the loop current method, the transient process of DC current is obtained by Laplace inverse transformation, and the attenuation and oscillation components of the transient current are analyzed. The electromagnetic transient simulation model of Gezhouba-Shanghai HVDC system is established in PSCAD/EMTDC, and simulative results verify the correctness of analysis. Furthermore, the approximate analytical expressions of DC current and its zero-crossing time are obtained by neglecting the oscillation component of transient current. Finally, the influence of AC voltage dropping degree, smoothing reactor and control strategy on DC current zero-crossing time is analyzed by analytic expression. The proposed method can provide the basis for protection value setting of sending end AC system and the selection of smoothing reactor parameters in LCC-MMC hybrid HVDC system.
Key words:  hybrid HVDC  LCC-MMC  AC fault  DC current analysis  zero-crossing time

