WANG Yaoqiang,WANG Zhe,ZHOU Chenglong,KU Ruohan,DONG Lianghui.Single-phase double-input nine-level inverter and its modulation strategy[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2020,40(4):
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王要强, 王哲, 周成龙, 库若含, 董亮辉
郑州大学 电气工程学院,河南 郑州 450001
关键词:  多电平逆变器  双输入  开关电容  脉宽调制
Single-phase double-input nine-level inverter and its modulation strategy
WANG Yaoqiang, WANG Zhe, ZHOU Chenglong, KU Ruohan, DONG Lianghui
School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Due to the disadvantages of traditional multi-level inverter, such as complex circuit structure, numerous power devices and complicated control strategies, a single-phase double-input nine-level inverter is proposed, which can output nine voltage levels through series and parallel connection of two DC input sources and a capacitor. The proposed inverter can generate desired voltage levels with lower number of power devices and capacitors, and has low harmonic contents. The multi-input inverter structure is suitable for distributed generation and microgrid. The topological structure and operation principle of the proposed inverter are given, and its pulse width modulation strategy is designed. Moreover, the processes of capacitor charging and discharging, and their inflences on voltage fluctuation are analyzed. Experimental results validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed nine-level inverter and its modulation strategy.
Key words:  multi-level inverter  double-input  switched-capacitor  pulse width modulation

