WANG Yaoqiang,WANG Kaige,ZHOU Chenglong,YUAN Yisen,LI Zhongwen.Single phase neutral-point-clamped switched-capacitor multilevel inverter and its control[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2020,40(7):
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王要强, 王凯歌, 周成龙, 袁艺森, 李忠文
郑州大学 电气工程学院,河南 郑州 450001
关键词:  逆变器  多电平  中点箝位  开关电容  电压平衡
Single phase neutral-point-clamped switched-capacitor multilevel inverter and its control
WANG Yaoqiang, WANG Kaige, ZHOU Chenglong, YUAN Yisen, LI Zhongwen
School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
A single phase voltage source neutral-point-clamped multilevel inverter with switched capacitors is proposed. The DC bus clamped capacitors are configured to segment the power supply voltage, and the multilevel voltage output can be achieved by controlling the connection of power supply and capacitors in series or parallel. In addition, the output level quantity and voltage gain of the inverter can be further increased through an expansion mechanism. In order to achieve the voltage balance of the capacitors and reduce their voltage ripples, the redundant switch states of the inverter are considered during the modulation process. The switches work in a complementary way, and therefore, the modulation strategy is simple to imple-ment. The working principle, modulation strategy, capacitor voltage and related parameters of the proposed inverter are analyzed, and the topology extension mechanism is given. Finally, the steady performance and dynamic performance of the proposed inverter are verified by simulation and experiment.
Key words:  electric inverters  multilevel  neutral-point-clamped  switched capacitor  voltage balance

