WEN Yunfeng,YANG Weifeng,LIN Xiaohuang.Review and prospect of frequency stability analysis and control of low-inertia power systems[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2020,40(9):
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文云峰, 杨伟峰, 林晓煌
湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082
关键词:  低惯量电力系统  惯性  频率稳定  频率控制  稳定性  新能源  高压直流输电
Review and prospect of frequency stability analysis and control of low-inertia power systems
WEN Yunfeng, YANG Weifeng, LIN Xiaohuang
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
With the infeed of large capacity HVDC and high proportion of renewable generation, more and more power systems are gradually evolving into low-inertia power systems. Low-inertia power systems usually have weak inertial support, strong uncertainty of generation, poor frequency regulation and damping capability, which results in frequency stability issues increasing. In order to better understand potential frequency stability risks in low-inertia operating scenarios and provide references for effective countermeasures, the re-search progress of frequency stability analysis and control of low-inertia power systems at home and abroad is reviewed and prospected. Firstly, the main causes of low-inertia operating scenarios and corresponding impacts on system frequency stability are analyzed, and the typical frequency problems occurred in practical systems in recent years are introduced. Furthermore, various frequency stability analysis methods based on time-domain simulation, analytical analysis and data-driven algorithms are explained. The control measures to improve the frequency stability of a low-inertia power system are discussed from the perspectives of frequency modulation ability mining using multi-type active power resources such as source, network, load and storage, multiple security defense lines strengthening and coordination. Finally, the future research directions in this field are prospected.
Key words:  low-inertia power systems  inertia  frequency stability  frequency control  stability  renewable energy  HVDC power transmission

