WANG Yufei,YANG Mingcheng,XUE Hua,ZHANG Yuhua,MI Yang.Self-adaptive integrated control strategy of battery energy storage system considering SOC for primary frequency regulation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(10):
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王育飞, 杨铭诚, 薛花, 张宇华, 米阳
上海电力大学 电气工程学院,上海 200090
关键词:  电池储能系统  一次调频  自适应因子  综合控制策略  荷电状态
Self-adaptive integrated control strategy of battery energy storage system considering SOC for primary frequency regulation
WANG Yufei, YANG Mingcheng, XUE Hua, ZHANG Yuhua, MI Yang
College of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electrical Power, Shanghai 200090, China
Considering improving the adaptability of primary frequency response under the limitation of BESS(Battery Energy Storage System) capacity, an integrated control strategy of BESS considering SOC(State Of Charge) for primary frequency regulation is proposed. The dynamic model of BESS for primary frequency regulation is established. The regulation characteristics of virtual inertia and virtual droop control on the grid frequency deviation are compared and analyzed. A self-adaptive integrated control strategy of BESS considering SOC for primary frequency regulation is designed, in which a self-adaptive factor of a dynamic combination of input coefficient considering frequency deviation and its rate of change and feedback coefficient considering SOC is introduced. The input coefficients are adaptively adjusted by fuzzy logic controller and the feedback coefficients are adaptively adjusted by regression function. Finally, the simulation model is built to compare and analyze different control strategies under step and continuous load disturbance. The simulative results show that the proposed control strategy can adaptively control the output of BESS and effectively improve the primary frequency regulation effect.
Key words:  battery energy storage system  primary frequency regulation  self-adaptive factor  integrated control strategy  state of charge

