WU Shuangxi,CHEN Lei,YANG Yinguo,XIE Xiaorong,LIU Yang.Wideband phasor measurement device for wideband oscillation mitigation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(8):
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伍双喜1, 陈垒2, 杨银国1, 谢小荣2, 刘洋1
1.广东电网有限责任公司 电力调度控制中心,广东 广州 510600;2.清华大学 电机系,北京 100084
关键词:  宽频振荡  相量测量装置  振荡抑制  离散傅里叶变换  响应时间
Wideband phasor measurement device for wideband oscillation mitigation
WU Shuangxi1, CHEN Lei2, YANG Yinguo1, XIE Xiaorong2, LIU Yang1
1.Power Dispatch & Control Center, Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510600, China;2.Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Measuring wideband phasor in a fast and online way is very important for wideband oscillation mitigation. However, the existing wideband phasor measurement devices are developed for monitoring applications, and have a long response time. In this regard, a wideband phasor measurement device for wideband oscillation mitigation is developed, which uses the windowed interpolation discrete Fourier transform to measure multi-mode wideband phasors. A short window is used to shorten the dynamic response time. Two digital signal processors are used to measure fundamental and harmonic/interharmonic phasors respectively. The performance tests show that the developed wideband phasor measurement device has fast response and high accuracy, which can satisfy the corresponding requirements in protection applications, such as wideband oscillation mitigation.
Key words:  wideband oscillation  phasor measurement device  oscillation mitigation  discrete Fourier transform  response time

