引用本文:翟伟翔,刘友宽,苏 适,李正志,翟玲玲.火电厂厂级负荷优化分配系统研制[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(3):
ZHAI Weixiang,LIU Youkuan,SU Shi,LI Zhengzhi,ZHAI Lingling.Development of optimal load dispatch system for power plant[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(3):
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翟伟翔1, 刘友宽1, 苏 适1, 李正志1, 翟玲玲2
1.云南电力试验研究院 新能源及智能电网研究所,云南 昆明 650217;2.驻马店电力公司,河南 驻马店 463000
关键词:  自动发电控制  厂级自动发电控制  负荷分配系统  经济性  动态规划
Development of optimal load dispatch system for power plant
ZHAI Weixiang1, LIU Youkuan1, SU Shi1, LI Zhengzhi1, ZHAI Lingling2
1.Renewal Energy and Smart Grid Bureau,Yunnan Electric Power Test & Research Institute, Kunming 650217,China;2.Zhumadian Electric Power Corporation,Zhumadian 463000,China
A solution of plant-level optimal LDS(Load Dispatch System) is proposed for power plants. The hardwire wiring in traditional LDS is replaced by OPC server and IEC60870-5-104 communication,which simplifies its system hardware structure. The load bias adjustment and manual functions are added to its software,which enhances the dispatch mode diversity. Its multi-objective optimization algorithm based on dynamic programming considers both the load response and plant economy to effectively meet both the requirement of dispatch center for quickness and the requirement of plant for optimal total coal consumption. The applications in 7 power plants validate its effectiveness in economic load dispatch, as well as its flexibility,reliability and stability in operation.
Key words:  automatic generation control  plant-level AGC  optimal load dispatch system  dynamic programming

