引用本文:李 江,魏丹萍,张少杰,张忠杰,李国庆.负荷模型对饱和系统小扰动稳定域的影响[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(10):
LI Jiang,WEI Danping,ZHANG Shaojie,ZHANG Zhongjie,LI Guoqing.Load model effect on small signal stability region of power system with saturation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(10):
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李 江1, 魏丹萍2, 张少杰3, 张忠杰3, 李国庆1
1.东北电力大学 电气工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012;2.上海市电力公司检修公司,上海 200072;3.通辽供电公司,内蒙古 通辽 028000
关键词:  饱和  凸优化  负荷模型  控制  线性系统
Load model effect on small signal stability region of power system with saturation
LI Jiang1, WEI Danping2, ZHANG Shaojie3, ZHANG Zhongjie3, LI Guoqing1
1.School of Electrical Engineering,Northeast Dianli University,Jilin 132012,China;2.Maintenance Company,Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company,Shanghai 200072,China;3.Tongliao Power Supply Bureau,Tongliao 028000,China
The physical meaning and correlation between RA(Region of Attraction) and system bifurcation are revealed for the linear optimal excitation control system with saturation element. Based on the iterative calculating search strategy,an algorithm with the volume of ellipsoidal RA as the criterion is proposed to determine the boundary of the SSSR(Small Signal Stability Region),which establishes the bonds between disturbance and RA in state space. The SSSR contains information of state space,injection space and so on. Case analysis indicates its efficiency. SSSRs are calculated for different load models: constant impedance,constant current and constant power,which demonstrate that,the system load model has certain effect on the SSSR boundary of system with saturation: the SSSR of constant impedance model is smaller while the SSSR of constant current model is slightly larger.
Key words:  saturation  convex optimization  load model  control  linear systems

