引用本文:周 林,廖 波,龙崦平,张林强,李怀花,杜金其.基于幅值积分的光伏并网功率调节系统研究[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(1):
ZHOU Lin,LIAO Bo,LONG Yanping,ZHANG Linqiang,LI Huaihua,DU Jinq.Grid-connected photovoltaic power conditioner system based on amplitude integral[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(1):
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周 林, 廖 波, 龙崦平, 张林强, 李怀花, 杜金其
重庆大学 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400030
关键词:  光伏功率调节系统  幅值积分  指令电流运算  选择器  电能质量  太阳能
Grid-connected photovoltaic power conditioner system based on amplitude integral
ZHOU Lin, LIAO Bo, LONG Yanping, ZHANG Linqiang, LI Huaihua, DU Jinq
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400030,China
The accurate detection of harmonics and reactive currents and the generation of photovoltaic active current reference are essential for the control of three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic power conditioner system. In order to get the photovoltaic active current with same frequency and phase as the positive-sequence fundamental voltage of grid,the influence of parameter K in the amplitude integral positive-sequence fundamental extraction on the phase deviation of output positive-sequence fundamental voltage is analyzed and the relationship between K and frequency/phase deviation of positive-sequence fundamental voltage is derived. The positive-sequence fundamental voltage can be accurately extracted when K is set properly. Synchronous sine or cosine signals can be obtained without PLL. Based on ip-iq method,two standard selectors are applied,which combine randomly the photovoltaic active current with the harmonic or reactive current to form the grid-connection reference current for realizing the random functional combination of active power injection,harmonic restraint and reactive power compensation. Results of the simulation with MATLAB/Simulink and the experiment based on RT-LAB verify the correctness of theoretical analysis.
Key words:  photovoltaic power conditioner system  amplitude integral  reference current calculation  selector  power quality  solar energy

