引用本文:刘 凡,张 昀,姚 晓,彭 倩,聂鸿宇,李 剑,周 湶.基于K近邻算法的换流变压器局部放电模式识别[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(5):
LIU Fan,ZHANG Yun,YAO Xiao,PENG Qian,NIE Hongyu,LI Jian,ZHOU Quan.Recognition of PD mode based on KNN algorithm for converter transformer[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(5):
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刘 凡,张 昀,姚 晓,彭 倩,聂鸿宇,李 剑,周 湶
1.四川电力科学研究院,四川 成都 610072;2.重庆大学 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400044
提出了一种基于K近邻KNN(K-Nearest Neighbour)算法的换流变压器故障诊断方法。设计了4种人工油纸绝缘缺陷,采用超高频天线采集局部放电信号。通过对局部放电超高频信号进行小波包多尺度变换,计算其多尺度小波系数的能量系数。采用KNN算法对局部放电超高频信号能量特征参数进行识别。将反向传播神经网络和所提方法对局部放电超高频信号模式的识别结果进行了对比,结果表明所提出的方法更适用于换流变压器故障诊断。
关键词:  换流变压器  局部放电  超高频  故障诊断  故障分析  小波分解
Recognition of PD mode based on KNN algorithm for converter transformer
LIU Fan1, ZHANG Yun2, YAO Xiao3, PENG Qian4, NIE Hongyu5, LI Jian6, ZHOU Quan6
1.Sichuan Electrical Power Research Institute,Chengdu 610072,China;2.Sichuan Electrical Power Research Institute,Chengdu 610073,China;3.Sichuan Electrical Power Research Institute,Chengdu 610074,China;4.Sichuan Electrical Power Research Institute,Chengdu 610075,China;5.Sichuan Electrical Power Research Institute,Chengdu 610076,China;6.State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China
A kind of fault diagnosis method based on KNN(K-Nearest Neighbour) is proposed for converter transformer.  Four types of artificial oilpaper insulation defect are designed and the UHF(Ultra High Frequency) antenna is used to collect PD(Partial Discharge) UHF signals. Multi-scale wavelet packet transform is carried out for calculating the energy coefficients of collected PD UHF signals and the KNN algorithm is applied to recognize their characteristic parameters. The PD mode recognized by the BPNN(Back Propagation Neural Network) is compared with that by the proposed algorithm,which shows that the latter is more suitable for the fault diagnosis of converter transformer.
Key words:  converter transformer  partial discharges  ultra high frequency  fault diagnosis  failure analysis  wavelet decomposition

