引用本文:熊 倩,廖 勇,姚 骏.含飞轮储能单元的直驱永磁风力发电系统有功功率平滑控制[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(5):
XIONG Qian,LIAO Yong,YAO Jun.Active power smoothing control of direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous wind power generation system with flywheel energy storage unit[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(5):
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熊 倩, 廖 勇, 姚 骏
重庆大学 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400044
关键词:  风电  同步发电机  有功功率平滑控制  飞轮  小信号分析  功率控制  储能
Active power smoothing control of direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous wind power generation system with flywheel energy storage unit
XIONG Qian, LIAO Yong, YAO Jun
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China
The operating characteristics of traditional direct-driven PMSG(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator) and the control of FESU(Flywheel Energy Storage Unit) are analyzed and the power smoothing control without wind velocity measurement is proposed for the wind power system. The small signal model of control system is built up and the stability analysis shows the proposed control system maintains the stable operation of power system under the small disturbance conditions. Simulation is carried out for a PMSG system with FESU and results show that the proposed control strategy smoothes effectively the output active power fluctuation while ensures the maximal capture of wind energy.
Key words:  wind power  synchronous generators  active power smoothing control  flywheels  small signal analysis  power control  energy storage

