引用本文:谢俊文,陆继明,毛承雄,王 丹.数字式通用型电池模拟器的设计与实现[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(5):
XIE Junwen,LU Jiming,MAO Chengxiong,WANG Dan.Design and implementation of digital battery simulator[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(5):
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谢俊文, 陆继明, 毛承雄, 王 丹
华中科技大学 强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
设计了一种基于DSP和电力电子技术的大功率大容量数字式通用型电池模拟器。模拟器的硬件采用三相电压型PWM变换器作为主拓扑,可模拟铅酸蓄电池、锂电池、燃料电池、液流电池、光伏电池等多种新型电池外特性;模拟器的软件设计基于电池3阶动态模型的模拟算法和双闭环控制算法,保证模拟器具有极高的模拟精度和快速的跟踪能力,并给出了软件设计流程;仿真和实验结果表明,所设计的电池模拟器电压控制偏差为 ± 0.2 V,模拟精度高,电压纹波小,跟踪速度快,控制效果理想。
关键词:  电池  模拟器  外特性  动态模型  控制  电压型PWM变换器
Design and implementation of digital battery simulator
XIE Junwen, LU Jiming, MAO Chengxiong, WANG Dan
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology(AEET),Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
A digital battery simulator based on power electronic technology and DSP is designed,which takes the three-phase VSC (Voltage Source PWM Converter) as the main topology of its hardware,being capable of simulating the exterior characteristics of various battery types,such as lead-acid battery,lithium battery,fuel cell,Vanadium redox flow battery,PV cell,and applies the 3-order dynamic battery model and the double-loop control strategy to guarantee its high accuracy and fast response. The flowchart of software design is given. The simulative and experimental results show that,the voltage control error of the designed battery simulator is within ± 0.2 V,its simulation accuracy is high,its voltage ripple is small,its tracking speed is fast and its control effect is ideal.
Key words:  electric batteries  simulator  exterior characteristics  dynamic models  control  voltage source PWM converter

