引用本文:鲍 威,凌卫家,张 静,王 栋,张 磊,田 晖,郭瑞鹏.含VSC - MTDC的交直流混合电网潮流计算模型及稀疏性处理技术[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(5):
BAO Wei,LING Weijia,ZHANG Jing,WANG Dong,ZHANG Lei,TIAN Hui,GUO Ruipeng.Power flow calculation model and parse matrix disposal techniques for AC/DC hybrid power system with VSC-MTDC[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(5):
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含VSC - MTDC的交直流混合电网潮流计算模型及稀疏性处理技术
鲍 威1, 凌卫家2, 张 静2, 王 栋3, 张 磊3, 田 晖3, 郭瑞鹏1
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.国网浙江省电力公司,浙江 杭州 310007;3.国网舟山供电公司,浙江 舟山 316021
关键词:  电压源换流器  潮流计算  混合电网  多端柔性直流  稀疏矩阵
Power flow calculation model and parse matrix disposal techniques for AC/DC hybrid power system with VSC-MTDC
BAO Wei1, LING Weijia2, ZHANG Jing2, WANG Dong3, ZHANG Lei3, TIAN Hui3, GUO Ruipeng1
1.College of Electrical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China;2.State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Cooperation,Hangzhou 310007,China;3.State Grid Zhoushan Electric Power Company,Zhoushan 316021,China
The steady-state equivalent model and common control modes of VSC (Voltage Source Converter) are introduced and the power flow calculation model of AC/DC hybrid power system with VSC-MTDC(VSC-based Multi-Terminal Direct Current) is proposed. Aiming at the structural asymmetry and zero diagonal element of Jacobi matrix caused by the VSC model,a few non-diagonal zero elements are treated as the non-zero elements to recover the structural asymmetry,and the control variables,being treated as constants in the equations,are numbered first to avoid zero diagonal element,which solves the power flow calculation problem of AC/DC hybrid power systems with very low sparsity cost. The simulation for an operating mode of Zhejiang Power System with Zhoushan five-terminal VSC-HVDC validates the correctness of the proposed model and the effectiveness of sparse matrix disposal techniques.
Key words:  voltage source converter  power flow calculation  hybrid power systems  VSC-MTDC  sparse matrix

