引用本文:冯 欣,杨 军.考虑网络损耗的碳排放流理论改进与完善[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(5):
FENG Xin,YANG Jun.Improvement and enhancement of carbon emission flow theory considering power loss[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(5):
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冯 欣1,2, 杨 军1
1.武汉大学 电气工程学院,湖北 武汉 430072;2.国网苏州供电公司,江苏 苏州 215004
考虑实际电力系统中的网络损耗,通过计算线路等效传输功率和负荷节点等效负荷需求,将网络损耗分摊到各负荷,将有损网络转换成无损网络,实现碳排放流理论的补充和完善,使其能够应用于实际有损电力系统。IEEE 30节点系统仿真结果验证了所提的考虑网络损耗的碳排放流理论的有效性和实用性,其能够清晰追踪电力系统中碳排放流的具体流向,可以对负荷的碳流进行来源分析,也为碳交易市场下负荷侧应缴纳的碳配额计算提供了参考依据。
关键词:  碳排放流理论  有损网络  等效负荷需求  碳配额
Improvement and enhancement of carbon emission flow theory considering power loss
FENG Xin1,2, YANG Jun1
1.College of Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;2.State Grid Suzhou Power Supply Company,Suzhou 215004,China
With the consideration of power loss in practical power system,the equivalent transmission power of each branch and the equivalent demand of each load node are calculated to allocate the power loss to load nodes,which converts a lossy network into a lossless network to supplement and enhance the carbon emission flow theory for its application to practical power system. Simulative results of IEEE 30-bus system show that,being effective and practical,the improved carbon emission flow theory can clearly trace the specific carbon emission flow in power system and analyze the carbon emission source of load nodes,which provides the basis for the calculation of carbon quotas at the load demand side in the carbon trading market.
Key words:  carbon emission flow theory  lossy network  equivalent load demands  carbon quotas

