引用本文:赵文清,龚亚强.基于Kernel K-means的负荷曲线聚类[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(6):
ZHAO Wenqing,GONG Yaqiang.Load curve clustering based on Kernel K-means[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(6):
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基于Kernel K-means的负荷曲线聚类
赵文清, 龚亚强
华北电力大学 控制与计算机工程学院,河北 保定 071003
关键词:  负荷曲线  聚类算法  核矩阵  核主成分分析  削减矩阵
Load curve clustering based on Kernel K-means
ZHAO Wenqing, GONG Yaqiang
School of Control and Computer Engineering,North China Electric Power University,Baoding 071003,China
As the basis of distribution and utilization system,the load curve clustering is of great significance for load management. A clustering algorithm based on the kernel method is proposed to improve the accuracy of the load curve clustering,which applies the dot product to construct the kernel matrix and maps the data into a high-dimensional space to increase the data divisibility for clustering. Aiming at the large scale and calculation complexity of the kernel matrix,the kernel principal component analysis and the kernel matrix size reduction are adopted to optimize the proposed method. As an experiment,the load data provided by the United State Department of Energy Development Energy Information Website are clustered and its effectiveness is assessed by the Davies-Bouldin index,which show that,the proposed method has better classification capability and the accuracy of load curve clustering is improved.
Key words:  load curve  clustering algorithms  kernel matrix  kernel principal component analysis  matrix size reduction

