引用本文:陈 静,符 玲,臧天磊,何正友.考虑系统谐波阻抗改变的谐波责任定量划分方法[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(6):
CHEN Jing,FU Ling,ZANG Tianlei,HE Zhengyou.Harmonic contribution determination considering system harmonic impedance change[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(6):
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陈 静, 符 玲, 臧天磊, 何正友
西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031
谐波责任定量划分的关键是谐波阻抗的准确辨识,现有的谐波阻抗辨识研究大都是基于系统谐波阻抗不变的假设,不能完全适应系统谐波阻抗阶段性改变的情况。基于此,提出一种新的谐波责任定量划分方法以适应系统谐波阻抗的改变。首先对谐波电压和谐波电流测量数据进行加窗简化处理,得到系统谐波阻抗的粗估值,利用小波变换模极大值法检测出系统谐波阻抗发生改变的时间,以此对测量数据进行分段处理;然后,对每一段的数据采用稳健整体最小二乘回归对系统谐波阻抗进行精确估计,进而求得每段的谐波责任;最后,采用定义的总谐波责任指标来定量评估谐波源的谐波责任。三馈线系统和IEEE 13节点系统的仿真结果验证了所提方法在系统谐波阻抗改变情况下的有效性和准确性。
关键词:  谐波责任划分  系统谐波阻抗  小波变换模极大值法  稳健整体最小二乘回归  谐波分析
Harmonic contribution determination considering system harmonic impedance change
CHEN Jing, FU Ling, ZANG Tianlei, HE Zhengyou
School of Electrical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China
The accurate estimation of system harmonic impedance is the key to determine the harmonic contributions. The present research on system harmonic impedance estimation is based on the assumption that the system harmonic impedance is not changed,which does not adapt to the periodic harmonic impedance change of practical power systems. A method for determining the harmonic contributions in this condition is proposed. The harmonic voltage and harmonic current measurements are simplified by adding windows to obtain the rough estimation of system harmonic impedance. The wavelet transform modulus maximum method is then employed to detect the time of system harmonic impedance change,based on which,the measurements are segmented and separately processed by the robust total least squares regression to accurately estimate the system harmonic impedance and determine the harmonic contributions for each section. The defined general harmonic contribution index is applied to assess the harmonic contribution of each harmonic source. The simulative results for a three-feeder system and the IEEE 13-bus system verify the validity and accuracy of the proposed method.
Key words:  harmonic contribution determination  system harmonic impedance  wavelet transform modulus maximum method  robust total least square regression  harmonic analysis

