GUAN Lin,JIANG Zetao,TANG Zongshun.Optimal diameter sizing based on centralized quality-quantity regulation and economic analysis of IES piping network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(6):
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管霖1, 江泽涛1, 唐宗顺1,2
1.华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510641;2.广州供电局有限公司,广东 广州 510620
关键词:  综合能源系统  供能管网  集中质量-流量调节  管径优化设计  经济性分析
Optimal diameter sizing based on centralized quality-quantity regulation and economic analysis of IES piping network
GUAN Lin1, JIANG Zetao1, TANG Zongshun1,2
1.Electric Power College, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China;2.Guangzhou Power Supply Co. Ltd.,Guangzhou 510620, China
The feasibility and economy of an IES(Integrated Energy System) project is greatly affected by the investment and operational cost of its piping network, for which, a method of optimal diameter sizing based on the centralized quality-quantity regulation is proposed. The temperature and quantity of the water flow supplied by the energy station is regulated according to the load of its user with the maximum load ratio at present moment, in that the total load curve is better matched. With the minimum equivalent annual total cost as its objective, the proposed method selects the optimal combination of pipe diameters to comprehensively consider the initial investment and the long-term operational cost for enhancing the overall economic performance. With the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City as an example, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified, the operational cost under energy-supply regulation and the influence of IES energy-supply radius on the piping network planning being analyzed.
Key words:  integrated energy system  energy-supply network  centralized quality-quantity regulation  optimal pipe diameter sizing  economic analysis

