SHI Jinxiao,HUANG Wentao,TAI Nengling,ZHENG Xiaodong,TAO Weilong,ZHAO Yanlong,YU Moduo.Microgrid tie-line power smoothing strategy considering group control of electric heat pumps[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(6):
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施金晓1, 黄文焘1, 邰能灵1, 郑晓冬1, 陶伟龙2, 赵彦龙3, 余墨多1
1.上海交通大学 电气工程系,上海 200240;2.国网合肥供电公司,安徽 合肥 230000;3.国网淄博供电公司,山东 淄博 255000
关键词:  功率波动抑制  联络线  电热泵  储能系统  电-热联合微网  功率分配
Microgrid tie-line power smoothing strategy considering group control of electric heat pumps
SHI Jinxiao1, HUANG Wentao1, TAI Nengling1, ZHENG Xiaodong1, TAO Weilong2, ZHAO Yanlong3, YU Moduo1
1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2.State Grid Hefei Municipal Electric Power Company, Hefei 230000, China;3.State Grid Zibo Municipal Electric Power Company, Zibo 255000, China
A coordinated control strategy based on the electric HP(Heat Pump) and battery is put forward to smooth the tie-line power fluctuation of CPH (Combined Power-Heat) microgrid. With the consideration of its operating characteristics and energy conversion mode, an electric-thermal energy conversion model based on the operating characteristics of HP is established. The priority sequence of HP groups is analyzed, the quantity of available HP groups and the pointer of state switching number being calculated. A centralized control algorithm considering the constraints of unit start-stop control is adopted to calculate the switching sequence of HP groups. Based on the SOC of ESS (Energy Storage System) and the actual output power of HP, the power allocation weight functions of ESS and HPs are built respectively and the fluctuating power of tie-line is allocated between ESS and HP groups. Results of case study show that, the proposed strategy smoothes the microgrid tie-line power through the coordinated electric-thermal energy control while improves the complementary economy and the comprehensive energy utilization efficiency of CPH microgrid.
Key words:  power fluctuation suppression  tie-line  electric heat pump  energy storage system  combined power-heat microgrid  power allocation

