GUAN Lin,CHEN Xu,LV Yaotang,TANG Zongshun,ZHAO Qi.Probability model of PV generation for power system planning and its application[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(11):
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管霖1, 陈旭1,2, 吕耀棠1, 唐宗顺3, 赵琦1
1.华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510640;2.南方电网公司计划部,广东 广州 510623;3.广州供电局计划部,广东 广州 510620
关键词:  光伏电源  离散概率时间序列  连续概率模型  电网规划  可靠性分析
Probability model of PV generation for power system planning and its application
GUAN Lin1, CHEN Xu1,2, LV Yaotang1, TANG Zongshun3, ZHAO Qi1
1.School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China;2.Planning Discipline of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510623, China;3.Planning Discipline of Guangzhou Power Supply, Guangzhou 510620, China
A probability model of the PV(PhotoVoltaic) power output considering both short-term vibration and middle/long time scale variation features is proposed. The distributed probability time series model of hourly mean solar irradiance in a year is established according to meteorological models based on a few parameters. The stochastic fluctuations of hourly solar irradiance with respect to the mean are described by Beta continuous probability distribution. The proposed model needs few statistical parameters and can reflect the regularity and stochastic fluctuations of output time characteristics of PV generation effectively. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified by comparing the example results with the real measured solar irradiance data of PV plants. The application scenarios are presented by sitting and sizing planning example of distribution feeders with distributed PV sources.
Key words:  photovoltaic source  distributed probability time series  continuous probability model  power system planning  reliability analysis

