LIU Ming,CHEN Yajun,LIN Hongjian,WEI Bin,SHU Zeliang.One-dimensional SVPWM algorithm with voltage balancing capability of single-phase three-level two-cell cascaded H-bridge converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(3):
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柳明, 陈亚军, 林宏健, 魏斌, 舒泽亮
西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031
关键词:  单相三电平H桥级联变换器  多电平  均压  SVPWM  冗余矢量
One-dimensional SVPWM algorithm with voltage balancing capability of single-phase three-level two-cell cascaded H-bridge converter
LIU Ming, CHEN Yajun, LIN Hongjian, WEI Bin, SHU Zeliang
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
A one-dimensional space vector pulse width modulation algorithm is proposed for the two-cell cascaded multi-level converter, using redundant vectors to realize voltage equalizing. The next-time working vector is calculated according to the current working vector. The change of vector follows the adjacent vector selection rule, which avoids the leapfrog hopping of the port level. According to the method, all the redundant vectors are retained and the final chosen output vector has the strongest equalizing ability. The implementation process of the equalizing algorithm is introduced, and the vector conversion path without leapfrog hopping is analyzed. Results of MATLAB/Simulink simulations and experiments verify the correctness and feasibility of the proposed algorithm, and the system has excellent dynamic and static performance.
Key words:  single-phase three-level cascade converters  multi-level  equalizing  SVPWM  redundant vector

