WANG Yanling,WU Mengkai.Medium and long term load forecasting model based on partial least-square regression under new normal economy[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(3):
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王雁凌, 吴梦凯
关键词:  经济新常态  中长期负荷预测  偏最小二乘回归  情景分析法  模型
Medium and long term load forecasting model based on partial least-square regression under new normal economy
WANG Yanling, WU Mengkai
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
The medium and long term load forecasting faces problems under the new normal economy, such as S shape load trend, few dependable data sample, etc.,and the accuracy of traditional forecasting method is limited, for which, a medium and long term load forecasting method based on partial least-square regression and scenario analysis method is proposed. With the combination of macroscopic view with the microscopic view, a hierarchical index system of factors influencing power load is built from three macroscopic aspects of new normal economy, i. e. speed, structure and driving force. The partial least-square regression method is adopted to obtain the relation equation between power load and its influence factors. According to the characteristics of economy and power development during the 12th and 13th five-year plan, the scenario analysis method is adopted to set up several scenarios and corresponding parameters, and different load forecasting results under each scenarios are obtained for reducing the forecasting risk. The proposed model is applied for forecasting the yearly electricity consumption of a province during the 13th five-year plan, and the comparison with the forecasting results of existing sophisticated methods and official data verify the effectiveness of the proposed model.
Key words:  new normal economy  medium and long term load forecasting  partial least-square regression  scenario analysis method  models

