AN Na,SHU Hongchun,GUO Yu,YANG Bo,CAO Pulin,BO Zhiqian.Single pole-to-ground fault analysis of MMC DC transmission lines based on inductance fuzzy identification[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(3):
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安娜1,2, 束洪春1,2, 郭瑜2, 杨博1, 曹璞璘1, 薄志谦1
1.昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500;2.昆明理工大学 机电工程学院,云南 昆明 650500
关键词:  MMC直流输电系统  单极接地故障  故障识别  感性模糊系数  过渡电阻  暂态过程
Single pole-to-ground fault analysis of MMC DC transmission lines based on inductance fuzzy identification
AN Na1,2, SHU Hongchun1,2, GUO Yu2, YANG Bo1, CAO Pulin1, BO Zhiqian1
1.Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;2.Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
Fault current of pseudo-bipolar MMC(Modular Multilevel Converter) DC(Direct Current) transmission system is relatively small under single pole-to-ground fault, and becomes extremely small under high-resistance fault, so it is difficult to identify single pole-to-ground fault quickly. Considering that for MMC DC transmission system, the characteristics of fault circuit in transient process of single pole-to-ground fault are different from that of other faults in MMC DC transmission system, a single pole-to-ground fault recognition method based on inductance fuzzy identification is proposed. The correlation coefficient between current change rate and voltage is used to approximately represent inductance characteristics at the loop measurement points. Meanwhile, the ratio of positive and negative correlation coefficients is defined as the inductance fuzzy coefficient. The single pole-to-ground fault is identified according to the sign of inductance fuzzy coefficient, while the fault pole is identified according to the absolute value of inductance fuzzy coefficient. A large number of simulation show that the proposed method has high speed and sensitivity and strong anti-transition resistance ability.
Key words:  MMC DC transmission system  single pole-to-ground fault  fault identification  inductance fuzzy coefficient  transition resistance  transient process

