ZHOU Lijun,ZHOU Xiangyu,WU Zhenyu,LIN Tong,XU Xiaowei,ZHANG Chenqingyu.Oscillation wave modeling and axial shift fault analysis of transformer winding[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(3):
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周利军1, 周祥宇1, 吴振宇1, 林桐1, 徐肖伟2, 张陈擎宇1
1.西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 611756;2.云南电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,云南 昆明 650217
关键词:  变压器  高压振荡波法  有限元计算  建模  轴向移位故障  极值点偏移量
Oscillation wave modeling and axial shift fault analysis of transformer winding
ZHOU Lijun1, ZHOU Xiangyu1, WU Zhenyu1, LIN Tong1, XU Xiaowei2, ZHANG Chenqingyu1
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China;2.Electric Power Research Institute of Yunnan Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650217, China
The mechanism of oscillation wave is analyzed from the properties of transformer itself. For a three-winding transformer, the finite element model is built to obtain the electrical parameter matrix of the windings. Based on the lumped parameter circuit of the windings, the time-domain mathematical model of oscillation wave under parameters of full capacitance and inductance matrix is established, and the validity of the model is verified by comparing the simulative curves with the measured curves. Then, taking the axial shift fault as an example, the variation rules of parameters of the transformer windings and the mapping relationship between parameters of the transformer winding and the oscillation wave are analyzed, and the variation rules of the extreme points of oscillation wave under the axial shift fault are analyzed emphatically. The study results show that the change of capacitance parameters under axial shift fault has significant influences on oscillation wave, and the amplitudes offset of the extreme points of the oscillation wave are large. With the deepening of the fault degree, the wave peaks and valleys of the oscillation wave gradually shift upward.
Key words:  electric transformers  high voltage oscillation wave method  finite element calculation  modeling  axial shift fault  offset of extreme point

