XUE Ancheng,LIU Zhongshuo,LIU Yimin,ZHENG Shaoming,DU Juan,LI Gongwei.Determination of service life for relay protection device based on improved age-reduction model and life cycle cost[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(3):
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薛安成1, 刘中硕1, 刘一民2, 郑少明2, 杜鹃2, 李公伟1
1.华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206;2.国家电网公司华北分部,北京 100053
关键词:  继电保护装置  役龄模型  役龄回退因子  缺陷率  全生命周期成本
Determination of service life for relay protection device based on improved age-reduction model and life cycle cost
XUE Ancheng1, LIU Zhongshuo1, LIU Yimin2, ZHENG Shaoming2, DU Juan2, LI Gongwei1
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;2.North China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100053, China
Relay protection device is the first line of defense for electric power system, its reasonable regular maintenance and decommission are essential for the safe and stable operation of power grid and the guarantee of economic benefits. Based on the age-reduction model with linear attenuation characteristics, combined with the defect rate characteristic curve of relay protection device, meanwhile taking the defect rate of relay protection device and annual average operating cost into account, pursuing the lowest life cycle annual average operating cost on the premise of ensuring reliability, a model of optimum service life determination for relay protection device is constructed. Based on the field operation data, the model is verified, and the optimum service life of relay protection device is obtained. Results show that the model has certain reference significance for determining optimum service life of relay protection device when improving the maintenance technology or adjusting the maintenance plan.
Key words:  relay protection device  age-reduction model  age-reduction factor  defect rate  life cycle cost

