LIU Chang,LIU Wenxia,GAO Xueqian,LIU Zongqi,DENG Shiyu,LIU Gengming.Coordinative planning of distribution network and multiple integrated energy systems based on Stackelberg game[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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刘畅, 刘文霞, 高雪倩, 刘宗歧, 邓诗语, 刘耕铭
华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206
关键词:  主从博弈  综合能源系统  配电网  可靠性  协调规划
Coordinative planning of distribution network and multiple integrated energy systems based on Stackelberg game
LIU Chang, LIU Wenxia, GAO Xueqian, LIU Zongqi, DENG Shiyu, LIU Gengming
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
In order to make full use of the potential reliability value of IES(Integrated Energy System) to delay the power grid investment and reduce the energy supply cost, a coordinative planning model of distribution system and mutiple IESs based on Stackelberg game is proposed. The Stackelberg game relationship between the DSO(Distribution System Operator) and IES operators under the interaction between supply and demand is confirmed. Then, the DSO pricing model considering reliability difference is proposed by using the reward and punishment agreement. Under the effect of price mechanism, the Stackelberg game planning model is established. The upper-level leader DSO optimizes the electricity price and expansion planning strategy with the maximum profit as the goal, while the lower-level follower IES operators optimize the planning and operating strategy with the minimum cost as the goal. A case study is given to verify that the Stackelberg game planning method can improve the economic benefits of all parties and reduce the overall energy supply cost. At the same time, the influences of the variation of user reliability demand on the investment planning of all parties and the overall energy supply cost are analyzed.
Key words:  Stackelberg game  integrated energy system  distribution network  reliability  coordinative planning

