SHU Hongchun,REN Min,SHAN Jieshan,TIAN Xincui,BO Zhiqian.Fast suppression scheme of AC valve side grounding fault current in converter station[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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束洪春, 任敏, 单节杉, 田鑫萃, 薄志谦
昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650051
关键词:  架空柔性直流电网  阀侧交流接地故障  故障电流特性  接地极  故障限流
Fast suppression scheme of AC valve side grounding fault current in converter station
SHU Hongchun, REN Min, SHAN Jieshan, TIAN Xincui, BO Zhiqian
Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051, China
Under the AC valve side grounding fault in the converter station, the fault point forms a fault circuit with the lower bridge arm through the grounding electrode. The fault impulse current is too large to be removed through the circuit breaker. The analysis shows that when the grounding electrode runs symmetrically there is basically no current flowing through it, and provide a fault circuit in the single-pole overhead line fault and the AC valve side grounding fault in the converter station. Therefore, introducing fault current limiting device into grounding electrode not only has no impact on the normal operation of the system, but also can effectively suppress the single-pole fault current and AC valve side grounding fault current, and reduce the requirements for DC line protection and converter station protection. The composition of fault current under AC valve side grounding fault is analyzed. The advantages of introducing current limi-ter into grounding electrode are analyzed from the aspects of power supply reliability and current limiting effect. A decentralized combined installation method of current limiter is proposed, which uses the combined input of capacitor bank and current limiting inductor to realize a novel topology of fault current limiter to absorb energy in the circuit and suppress the rise rate and peak value of fault current. A two terminal flexible DC transmission system is built on PSCAD/EMTDC platform. The simulative results verify the superiority of the installation position of grounding electrode and the effectiveness of the novel current limiter.
Key words:  overhead flexible DC power grid  AC valve side grounding fault  fault current characteristics  grounding electrode  fault current limiting

