DONG Zhihan,WANG Guoteng,XU Zheng,LI Jianhua,DING Haoyin.Operation characteristic analysis method of Baihetan-Jiangsu hybrid cascaded UHVDC system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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董芷函1, 王国腾1, 徐政1, 李建华2, 丁浩寅2
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.国家电网华东电力调控中心,上海 200120
关键词:  电网换相换流器  模块化多电平换流器  混合级联直流系统  响应特性  暂时过电压
Operation characteristic analysis method of Baihetan-Jiangsu hybrid cascaded UHVDC system
DONG Zhihan1, WANG Guoteng1, XU Zheng1, LI Jianhua2, DING Haoyin2
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.State Grid East China Electric Power Control Center, Shanghai 200120, China
The inverter side of Baihetan-Jiangsu hybrid cascaded UHVDC(Ultra High Voltage Direct Current) system is composed of LCC(Line Commutated Converter) and MMC(Modular Multilevel Converter) in series. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the hybrid cascaded DC system, an operation characteris-tic analysis method of the hybrid cascaded DC system is proposed from the four aspects of the steady-state response characteristics of the hybrid cascaded DC system, the voltage stability of commutation bus of inverter-side LCC, the estimation of MMC temporary overvoltage, and the thermal stability margin calculation of inverter station outlines. The simulative results show that the proposed method can quickly and accurately analyze the operation characteristics of the hybrid cascaded DC system and locate the weak links of the system. According to the analysis results, the steady-state response characteristics of the Baihetan-Jiangsu hybrid cascaded UHVDC system are poor and the power transmission capacity is reduced under certain operating conditions. Under AC short circuit faults, the MMC has the problem of temporary overvoltage, which affects the normal operation of the Baihetan-Jiangsu hybrid cascaded UHVDC system.
Key words:  LCC  MMC  hybrid cascaded DC system  response characteristics  temporary overvoltage

