ZHENG Tao,WANG Yunpeng,MA Jiaxuan,SONG Xiangyan.Fault locating method based on active injection for transmission lines equipped with UPFC[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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郑涛, 王赟鹏, 马家璇, 宋祥艳
华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206
关键词:  统一潮流控制器  输电线路  故障测距  主动注入
Fault locating method based on active injection for transmission lines equipped with UPFC
ZHENG Tao, WANG Yunpeng, MA Jiaxuan, SONG Xiangyan
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Aiming at the problem that the locating accuracy of the traditional passive fault locating methods is difficult to guarantee in scenario of lines equipped with UPFC(Unified Power Flow Controller),an active injection fault locating method for transmission lines equipped with UPFC based on the idea of coordinated control and protection is proposed. After isolating the fault, the proposed method makes full use of the high controllability of MMC-UPFC(Modular Multilevel Converter based UPFC),switches the MMC(Modular Multilevel Converter) at the series side to the additional control mode, actively injects the characteristic voltage into the transmission line, and then realizes fault locating through the differential equation algorithm based on single-end parameters. The proposed method uses UPFC as the signal source and injects electrical signals into the access line to construct the fault locating equation, which can solve the problem that the passive fault locating method is susceptible to the operation characteristics of UPFC and transition resistances, so the accuracy and reliability of fault locating are ensured. Finally, the model of transmission line equipped with UPFC is built in PSCAD/EMTDC simulation platform and the simulative results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed fault locating method.
Key words:  unified power flow controller  power transmission line  fault locating  active injection

