WU Linlin,LI Yunhong,YU Siqi,SUN Yamin,WANG Xiao,YANG Yanchen,DENG Xiaoyang,SU Tianyu,SUN Dawei.Stability analysis of dense wind power area based on short circuit ratio index[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(8):
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吴林林, 李蕴红, 于思奇, 孙雅旻, 王潇, 杨艳晨, 邓晓洋, 苏田宇, 孙大卫
国网冀北电力科学研究院 国家电网公司风光储联合发电运行技术实验室,北京 100045
关键词:  风电  短路比  静态电压稳定  暂态过电压  宽频振荡  故障穿越
Stability analysis of dense wind power area based on short circuit ratio index
WU Linlin, LI Yunhong, YU Siqi, SUN Yamin, WANG Xiao, YANG Yanchen, DENG Xiaoyang, SU Tianyu, SUN Dawei
State Grid Wind-Photovoltaic-Energy Storage Hybrid Power Generation Technology Laboratory, State Grid Jibei Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100045, China
SCR(Short Circuit Ratio) is an index to describe the “system strength”. Currently, the power system operation department is exploring how to use SCR index to evaluate the stability of dense wind power area. To explore the value of SCR in engineering evaluation process of dense wind power area stability, and analyze the suitable range and condition of SCR index, the studies are carried out based on the physical controllers made by wind turbine manufacturers with the highest market share. Considering the actual wind turbine characteristics, the feasibility of evaluating stability of dense wind power area by SCR index is analyzed from three aspects of static voltage stability, transient overvoltage and sub-/super-synchronous oscillation. It is found that increasing SCR index of system can improve the above three types of stability problem from different degrees. Moreover, if the differences of wind turbine characteristics are not considered in the evaluation process, the SCR index cannot accurately reflect the system stability margin of the above three types of problems.
Key words:  wind power  short circuit ratio  static voltage stability  transient overvoltage  wideband oscillation  fault ride-through

