CHEN Houhe,QI Wenbo,JIANG Tao,LI Guoqing.Integrated control strategy for improving frequency stability of low inertia system connecting to offshore wind power via VSC-MTDC[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(8):
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陈厚合, 齐文博, 姜涛, 李国庆
东北电力大学 现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室,吉林 吉林 132012
关键词:  海上风电  多端柔性直流输电  低惯量系统  虚拟系统频率响应  功率支援
Integrated control strategy for improving frequency stability of low inertia system connecting to offshore wind power via VSC-MTDC
CHEN Houhe, QI Wenbo, JIANG Tao, LI Guoqing
Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology, Ministry of Education, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
The low inertia power system connecting with large-scale offshore wind power via VSC-MTDC(Voltage Source Converter based Multi-Terminal high voltage Direct Current) system, has critical problems of few SG(Synchronous Generator),low inertia level and poor power support capability. To end this, an integrated frequency control strategy for the low inertia system considering the VSC-MTDC and offshore wind power cooperation is proposed. Firstly, the SG with the prime mover and governor is aggregated into a single-machine system frequency response model, and a VSFR(Virtual System Frequency Response) controller of the converter is constructed. The stability of VSFR closed-loop control with classical parameters is analyzed by the Routh stability Criterion. Then, an additional pitch angle and rotor speed control method of doubly fed induction generator for multi-wind speed conditions is designed to solve the problem of VSC-MTDC grid voltage violation caused by insufficient power support capacity of offshore wind power integrated system. The power mutual support capacity of the wind power integrated system is improved by adjusting the power output of offshore wind farms to support the low inertia system, which can ensure the secure operation of the VSC-MTDC. Finally, the performance of the proposed control strategy is analyzed and verified in a low inertia system connecting to offshore wind power via three-terminal DC grid. The results indicate that the proposed method can provide better capability of frequency response and power support, and can improve the frequency stability of the low inertia system.
Key words:  offshore wind power  VSC-MTDC  low inertia system  virtual system frequency response  power support

