ZHANG Fang,YAO Wenpeng,ZHANG Zijing.High-frequency oscillation analysis and suppression strategy of MMC-HVDC system based on generalized eigenvalue[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(8):
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张芳, 姚文鹏, 张紫菁
天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  MMC-HVDC  高频振荡  广义特征根  H∞鲁棒控制  振荡抑制
High-frequency oscillation analysis and suppression strategy of MMC-HVDC system based on generalized eigenvalue
ZHANG Fang, YAO Wenpeng, ZHANG Zijing
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
High-frequency oscillation caused by long link delay of MMC-HVDC(Modular Multilevel Converter based High Voltage Direct Current) seriously threatens the safety and stability of power system. The time-delay stability margin is adopted to measure the high-frequency stability of MMC-HVDC system and the high-order state space model of the MMC-HVDC time-delay system is established. The time-delay stability margin of MMC-HVDC system is directly solved by the stability analysis method of time-delay system based on generalized eigenvalue, and the influence of controller parameters on the high-frequency stability of system is analyzed. The influence of link delay of MMC-HVDC system on high-frequency stability of system is equivalent to external interference. The high-frequency oscillation suppression strategy of MMC-HVDC system based on H∞ robust control is designed through hybrid sensitivity optimization. The effectiveness of the stability analysis method of time-delay system based on generalized eigenvalue for solving the time-delay stability margin of system and the superiority of the high-frequency oscillation suppression strategy based on H∞ robust control are verified by MMC-HVDC electromagnetic transient simulation. The research provides a new idea for the study of high-frequency oscillation and suppression strategy of MMC-HVDC system.
Key words:  MMC-HVDC  high-frequency oscillation  generalized eigenvalue  H∞ robust control  oscillation suppression

