MA Junqing,ZHAO Jinbin,QIAN Yitao,MAO Ling,QU Keqing.Multi-frequency coupling suppression and stability analysis of grid-connected inverter under non-ideal grid condition[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(8):
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马俊清, 赵晋斌, 钱一涛, 毛玲, 屈克庆
上海电力大学 电气工程学院,上海 200090
关键词:  非理想电网条件  并网逆变器  锁相环  多频耦合  稳定性分析
Multi-frequency coupling suppression and stability analysis of grid-connected inverter under non-ideal grid condition
MA Junqing, ZHAO Jinbin, QIAN Yitao, MAO Ling, QU Keqing
College of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China
The negative sequence component and DC bias in non-ideal grid will lead to the multi-frequency coupling phenomenon of grid-connected inverter, increase the harmonic component of grid-connected current and reduce the system stability margin. The SCF-PLL(Second-order Complex Filter Phase Locked Loop) control strategy is adopted to effectively reduce the transmission of double-frequency harmonics generated by the negative sequence component and DC bias in the power grid and suppress the multi-frequency coupling. A reduced-order admittance model of grid-connected inverter with SCF-PLL control strategy under non-ideal grid is established, and the stability of the grid-connected system is analyzed by the generalized Nyquist criterion. RT-LAB hardware-in-the-loop experiments verify the correctness of theoretical analysis and the good adaptability of SCF-PLL to non-ideal grid condition.
Key words:  non-ideal grid condition  grid-connected inverter  phase locked loops  multi-frequency coupling  stability analysis

