DING Xin,XU Jian,SUN Yuanzhang,LIAO Siyang.Source-load coordinated control strategy for smoothing wind power fluctuation in grid-connected high energy consuming electrolytic aluminum industrial power grid[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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丁鑫, 徐箭, 孙元章, 廖思阳
武汉大学 电气与自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  新能源消纳  平抑功率波动  电解铝负荷  模型预测控制  协调优化控制  风电
Source-load coordinated control strategy for smoothing wind power fluctuation in grid-connected high energy consuming electrolytic aluminum industrial power grid
DING Xin, XU Jian, SUN Yuanzhang, LIAO Siyang
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
For the grid-connected high energy consuming industrial power grid accessed with large-scale new energy, the fluctuation of new energy power will lead to tie-line power fluctuation and extra reserve capacity charge, which is not economical for the industrial power grid operation. By modeling the coordinated control method of the thermal generators and the electrolytic aluminum loads in industrial power grid, a source-load coordinated control strategy is proposed to smooth wind power fluctuation. Based on the model predictive control method, taking the regulating range and response rate of the thermal power units and electrolytic aluminum loads as constraints, and the wind power fluctuation smoothing as the control objective, the active power regulation of thermal power units and the power consumption of electrolytic aluminum loads are optimized to decrease the reserve power of tie-line caused by the wind power fluctuation. Taking a grid-connected industrial power grid in Wenshan, Yunnan as an example, the simulative results verify the effectiveness of the proposed source-load coordinated control strategy in smoothing wind power fluctuation and restricting active power exchange of tie-line between industrial power grid and utility power grid.
Key words:  new energy consumption  power fluctuation smoothing  electrolytic aluminum load  model predictive control  coordinated optimal control  wind power

