NIE Rui,SI Jikai,ZHANG Guozhen,CHENG Zhiping,LI Zhongwen.Overview and prospect of research on two-degree-of-freedom generator for offshore wind-wave combined energy conversion system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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聂瑞, 司纪凯, 张国振, 程志平, 李忠文
郑州大学 电气工程学院,河南 郑州 450001
关键词:  海上风力发电  波浪能发电  风浪结合发电系统  两自由度发电机  风浪互补发电协调控制策略
Overview and prospect of research on two-degree-of-freedom generator for offshore wind-wave combined energy conversion system
NIE Rui, SI Jikai, ZHANG Guozhen, CHENG Zhiping, LI Zhongwen
School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
In recent years, the multi-energy complementary utilization has become a new trend of energy development. The offshore wind energy and wave energy have many merits, such as no pollution, concentrated energy form and so on. Accordingly, a novel WWCEC(Wind-Wave Combined Energy Conversion) system based on two-degree-of-freedom LRG(Linear-Rotary Generator) emerges as the times require. The research status of offshore wind and wave energy conversion systems is summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of the independent developed offshore wind and wave energy conversion systems, the traditional WWCEC system and the novel WWCEC system are compared. Then, the research status of two-degree-of-freedom LRG that is the core energy conversion device of the novel offshore WWCEC system is summarized. Furthermore, the feasibility of two-degree-of-freedom LRG applied in novel WWCEC system is preliminarily verified by finite element method, and then the research hotspots and difficulties of the generator are discussed. Finally, the main research directions of two-degree-of-freedom LRG for WWCEC system in the future are prospected.
Key words:  offshore wind power generation  wave power generation  wind-wave combined energy conversion system  two-degree-of-freedom generator  coordinated control strategy of wind-wave complementary energy conversion

