SONG Fuhai,ZHAI Bolong,HUANG Xiangyu,HUANG Jianhong,Lü Hang,LI Li,DAI Xiaoxiang.Optimization of secondary equipment modeling for application of model in smart substation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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宋福海1, 翟博龙1, 黄翔宇1, 黄见虹1, 吕航2,3, 李力2,3, 代小翔2,3
1.国网福建电力调度控制中心,福建 福州 350003;2.南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211102;3.智能电网保护和运行控制国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 211102
关键词:  智能变电站  IEC 61850  语义建模  设备模型关联  自动配置
Optimization of secondary equipment modeling for application of model in smart substation
SONG Fuhai1, ZHAI Bolong1, HUANG Xiangyu1, HUANG Jianhong1, Lü Hang2,3, LI Li2,3, DAI Xiaoxiang2,3
1.State Grid Fujian Electric Power Dispatch Control Center, Fuzhou 350003, China;2.NR Electric Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211102, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control, Nanjing 211102, China
At present, the secondary equipment modeling of smart substations mainly focuses on the interoperability at the communication level, while the interoperability at the semantic level of information is relatively poor, and it is difficult to support the automatic configuration of business functions. With the application of advanced application technologies such as smart substation operation and maintenance based on secondary equipment information, the weak semantic foundation of secondary equipment models has increasingly become a major problem hindering the development of substation intelligent technology. Aiming at the above problem, the optimization principle of the secondary equipment model is proposed. Through the semantic enhancement of the ICD(Intelligent electronic device Capability Description) model, the self-describing feature of the model is enhanced to realize the automatic association of the primary and secondary equipment models based on the bay association, which builds up the foundation for the modular configuration of various configuration tasks of the smart substations. The scheme can realize automatic configuration of advanced applications such as smart substation operation and maintenance, significantly improving the efficiency and quality of smart substation configuration.
Key words:  smart substation  IEC 61850  semantic modeling  equipment model association  automatic configuration

