HUANG Wei,ZHANG Qingbo,XU Hao,WU Simin,GAN Deqiang.Minimum characteristic loci method for power system small disturbance stability analysis[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(12):
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黄伟1, 张清波2, 许昊2, 吴司敏2, 甘德强2
1.云南电力调度控制中心,云南 昆明 650011;2.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
关键词:  电力系统  小干扰稳定性  广义Nyquist曲线  特征轨迹  相角补偿
Minimum characteristic loci method for power system small disturbance stability analysis
HUANG Wei1, ZHANG Qingbo2, XU Hao2, WU Simin2, GAN Deqiang2
1.Yunnan Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center, Kunming 650011, China;2.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
A small disturbance stability analysis method based on Nyquist characteristic loci for multi-input multi-output system is proposed, which can quantify the contributions of turbine-governor loop and additional excitation control loop to stability margin. Firstly, a concise Heffron-Phillips model is obtained through block diagram transformation, and then a new stability margin is defined according to the relationship between the generalized Nyquist curve and characteristic loci. Based on the model mentioned above, a linear analytical expression of the stability margin is derived, which includes the turbine-governor loop and the additional excitation control loop, so that their influence on stability margin can be shown clearly. In addition, the proposed method can also be used as the controller parameter setting. Finally, the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method are proved by several cases.
Key words:  electric power systems  small disturbance stability  generalized Nyquist curve  characteristic loci  phase-angle compensation

