LI Tiange,HU Zhijian,CHEN Zhi,LIU Shenghui.Multi-time scale low-carbon operation optimization strategy of integrated energy system considering electricity-gas-heat-hydrogen demand response[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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李天格, 胡志坚, 陈志, 刘盛辉
武汉大学 电气与自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  多时间尺度  需求响应  综合能源系统  阶梯式碳排放费用机制  可调热电比  氢能
Multi-time scale low-carbon operation optimization strategy of integrated energy system considering electricity-gas-heat-hydrogen demand response
LI Tiange, HU Zhijian, CHEN Zhi, LIU Shenghui
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
In order to better promote the low-carbon economic operation of integrated energy system(IES) and improve the multi-time scale operation optimization management level, a multi-time scale low-carbon operation optimization strategy considering the electricity-gas-heat-hydrogen demand response and the stepped carbon emission cost mechanism is proposed. The stepped carbon emission cost mechanism is comprehensively considered, and the hydrogen load demand besides electricity-gas-heat load demand is concerned, the three-stage multi-time scale optimization model for day-ahead, intra-day rolling and real-time is established by optimizing the adjustability of the gas turbine’s heat-electricity ratio in the coupled equipments. Taking the minimum of the overall IES operation cost, the carbon emission cost, and the cost of abandoning wind and light as the economic objective, and the original nonlinear problem is transformed into the mixed integer linear problem solved by the Gurobi solver. Through the simulation comparison and analysis of the optimization results under various situations, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy from aspects of promoting low-carbon operation, giving full play to the flexibility of system equipment and promoting clean energy consumption is verified.
Key words:  multi-time scale  demand response  integrated energy system  stepped carbon emission cost mechanism  adjustable heat-electricity ratio  hydrogen energy

