DONG Lu,BIAN Xiaoyan,ZHOU Bo,XU Bo,XU Zhao,LI Dongdong.Hierarchical distributed coordinated optimal dispatch of active distribution network considering frequency regulation reserve benefits[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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董璐1, 边晓燕1, 周波1, 徐波1, 许昭2, 李东东1
1.上海电力大学 电气工程学院,上海 201306;2.香港理工大学 电机工程学系,香港 999077
关键词:  主动配电网  调频辅助服务  分布式能源集群  灵活性特征  协调优化调度  一致性算法
Hierarchical distributed coordinated optimal dispatch of active distribution network considering frequency regulation reserve benefits
DONG Lu1, BIAN Xiaoyan1, ZHOU Bo1, XU Bo1, XU Zhao2, LI Dongdong1
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 201306, China;2.Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China
The construction and development of new-type power grid with high proportion of new energy has put forward higher demands for frequency regulation ancillary services. To solve this problem, a hierarchical distributed coordinated optimal dispatch method of active distribution network considering the frequency regulation reserve benefits is proposed, which can provide the frequency regulation reserve capacity for transmission network while satisfying the optimal operation economy of distribution network. The hierarchical distributed dispatch architecture is established, and both the coordinated dispatch layer and the cluster autonomy layer adopt the distributed topology structure. Each agent communicates with the neighboring agents and completes individual computing tasks. The flexibility characteristics are used to characterize the ability of distributed energy resources to respond to frequency regulation ancillary service request, and the corresponding rule of mapping between the two sets is constructed. The coordinated optimal dispatch model is established, and a consensus algorithm is applied to solve the problem to obtain the optimal power scheme, consensus price and clusters’ reserve capacity. An example is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed coordinated optimal dispatch method, and the robustness of the hierarchical distributed algorithm is analyzed with typical communication fault scenarios.
Key words:  active distribution network  frequency regulation ancillary service  distributed energy resource cluster  flexibility characteristics  coordinated optimal dispatch  consensus algorithm

