引用本文:徐艳春,范钟耀,孙思涵,MI Lu.基于边缘检测的大规模风电场送出线路纵联保护算法[J].电力自动化设备,2023,43(1):
XU Yanchun,FAN Zhongyao,SUN Sihan,MI Lu.Pilot protection algorithm of large-scale wind farm outgoing transmission line based on edge detection[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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徐艳春1, 范钟耀1, 孙思涵1, MI Lu2
1.三峡大学 梯级水电站运行与控制湖北省重点实验室,湖北 宜昌 443002;2.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Texas A&M University,College Station 77840,USA
关键词:  大规模风电场  纵联保护  继电保护  边缘检测  送出线路
Pilot protection algorithm of large-scale wind farm outgoing transmission line based on edge detection
XU Yanchun1, FAN Zhongyao1, SUN Sihan1, MI Lu2
1.Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Operation and Control of Cascaded Hydropower Station, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China;2.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station 77840, USA
Due to the fluctuation of wind power output and the frequency offset characteristics of fault current when the outgoing transmission line fails, the sensitivity of the pilot protection of wind farm outgoing transmission line decreases or even protection refuses to operate. Therefore, the pilot protection of wind farm outgoing transmission line based on edge detection is proposed. By constructing the current collected on both sides of the wind farm outgoing transmission line as a matrix, and using Sobel operator for edge detection, the part where the current sampling value changes greatly is determined. Then, the average gradient amplitude is calculated and compared with the set value by the identified part with large changes in the current sampling values on both sides of the line, so as to realize the rapid identification of internal faults and external faults. Finally, a large-scale wind farm outgoing transmission system model is built by PSCAD/EMTDC to verify the applicability, rapidity and ability against transition resistance of the proposed algorithm. Compared with the existing pilot protection of transmission lines, the proposed method is still applicable when the wind farm output is weak and the operation speed is faster.
Key words:  large-scale wind farms  pilot protection  relay protection  edge detection  outgoing transmission line

