XIAO Bai,LIU Jiankang,ZHANG Bo,WU Fangze.Optimal configuration of grid-connected microgrid with hydrogen energy storage considering ladder-type carbon trading and demand response[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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肖白, 刘健康, 张博, 武方泽
东北电力大学 电气工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012
关键词:  并网型微电网  阶梯碳交易  需求响应  氢储能  双层优化  优化配置
Optimal configuration of grid-connected microgrid with hydrogen energy storage considering ladder-type carbon trading and demand response
XIAO Bai, LIU Jiankang, ZHANG Bo, WU Fangze
School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
Aiming at the optimal configuration of grid-connected microgrid under the background of low carbon, an optimal configuration method of grid-connected microgrid with hydrogen energy storage considering ladder-type carbon trading and demand response is proposed. The ladder-type carbon trading mechanism is introduced into the planning model to reduce the carbon emission of microgrid. With the goal of minimizing the absolute sum of the difference between the renewable energy power and the load power, the load demand response is used to guide users to change their energy consumption strategies, promote the absorption of renewable energy, reduce the configuration capacity of energy storage, and further reduce the carbon emission and economic cost of the microgrid. A two-layer optimal configuration model of grid-connected microgrid including wind turbine, photovoltaic array, diesel generator, electrolytic cell, hydrogen storage tank and fuel cell is established. The optimization goal of the upper layer model is to minimize the equal annual comprehensive cost of microgrid, and the optimization goal of the lower layer model is to minimize the sum of the annual operation cost and annual carbon transaction cost of microgrid. The two-layer optimal configuration model is solved by combining genetic algorithm with mixed integer linear programming. The simulative results verify the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed model, which can provide reference for the capacity configuration of grid-connected microgrid containing hydrogen energy storage.
Key words:  grid-connected microgrid  ladder-type carbon trading  demand response  hydrogen energy storage  two-layer optimization  optimal configuration

