SHU Hongchu,REN Min,TIAN Xincui,LI Tao,BO Zhiqian.DC line pilot protection scheme suitable for half bridge MMC additional current limiting control[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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束洪春, 任敏, 田鑫萃, 李涛, 薄志谦
昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650051
关键词:  柔性直流输电  限流控制策略  换流阀差流  纵联保护  后备保护
DC line pilot protection scheme suitable for half bridge MMC additional current limiting control
SHU Hongchu, REN Min, TIAN Xincui, LI Tao, BO Zhiqian
Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051, China
The additional current limiting control of half bridge modular multilevel converter(MMC) can effectively reduce the requirements for the rapidity of line protection, enhance the current limiting effect of physical current limiting device, and reduce the rising gradient and amplitude of fault transient current. Therefore, DC line protection based on fault transient current information will be affected by current limiting controller. An adaptive pilot protection scheme for DC line considering the influence of additional current limiting controller is proposed. The current limiting controller is started by using pole line voltage and its zero-mode voltage change rate to form the OR logic. The analytical relationship of fault current at DC side under the action of current limiting controller is deduced. According to the suppression degree of fault current by current limiting controller and the fault current information at both sides of converter valve, a pilot protection scheme based on differential current at both sides of converter valve is established. The scheme only uses the local quantity of each station. By exchanging the discrimination results with its opposite converter station, the scheme is not affected by the line distributed capacitance, does not need multi-terminal data synchronization, and has adaptability. A large number of simulation experiments verify the effectiveness of the current limiting control strategy and the reliability of the protection scheme.
Key words:  flexible DC power transmission  current limiting control strategy  differential current of converter valve  pilot protection  backup protection

