YANG Chen,YU Yiping,FAN Chen,JIN Biao,SHU Shilong.Online identification of low-frequency oscillation information based on known excitation response[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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杨晨1, 余一平1, 樊陈2, 金标1, 舒石泷1
1.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.中国电力科学研究院有限公司(南京),江苏 南京 210003
关键词:  低频振荡  功率谱  在线辨识  自回归滑动平均  已知激励  环境激励
Online identification of low-frequency oscillation information based on known excitation response
YANG Chen1, YU Yiping1, FAN Chen2, JIN Biao1, SHU Shilong1
1.College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;2.China Electric Power Research Institute(Nanjing),Nanjing 210003, China
Current power system often uses online identification based on daily small disturbance response to obtain low-frequency oscillation mode information, which is of great value for the analysis and suppression of low-frequency oscillation in large power grid. As for the online identification of low-frequency oscillation information, the two-stage least squares estimation method is provided. Compared with the conventional recursive auto-regressive moving average method, it has the virtue of higher iterative convergence speed and better identification accuracy. Based on introducing the basic principles of the known excitation response signal and the environment excitation response signal under small disturbance, the differences between the two signals from aspects of excitation jointly with response, signal component and data volume are compared and obtained. Meanwhile, the online mode information identification scheme of low-frequency oscillation is proposed. Furthermore, the known excitation response signal and environmental excitation response signal are obtained by the simulation in 10-machine 39-bus system. The power spectrum and the identification results of the two signals are analyzed and compared. The analysis results show that when the corresponding relationship between the excitation position, the selection of observation points and the response mode are determined, the known excitation response signal identification has better performance. In this case, the known excitation response identification can be used as the main means for the online identification of low-frequency oscillation information.
Key words:  low-frequency oscillation  power spectrum  online identification  ARMA  known excitation  environmental excitation

