HUANG Jingjie,OUYANG Shun,LENG Ting,YANG Hongming,ZHOU Renjun.Collaborative participation strategy of new energy and energy storage in market considering deviation risk aversion[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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黄婧杰, 欧阳顺, 冷婷, 杨洪明, 周任军
长沙理工大学 湖南省清洁能源与智能电网协同创新中心,湖南 长沙 410114
关键词:  新能源  储能  偏差风险规避  偏差功率  能量市场  辅助服务市场  申报策略  协同运行
Collaborative participation strategy of new energy and energy storage in market considering deviation risk aversion
HUANG Jingjie, OUYANG Shun, LENG Ting, YANG Hongming, ZHOU Renjun
Hunan Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Clean Energy and Smart Grid, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China
In order to improve the generation efficiency of new energy, the energy storage can cooperate with new energy to actively participate in the market to obtain more profit opportunities. Therefore, the operation model of new energy and energy storage collaboratively participating in the market considering the deviation risk aversion is proposed. The deviation risk is defined as the sum of daily abandoned power loss and penalty cost, which is derived from the deviation power generated by the uncertainty of new energy. In order to reduce the deviation risk of new energy participation in the market transactions, a collaborative operation model is established with the goal of maximizing the total expected return of new energy, with the day-ahead planned power as the variable and the maximum charging and discharging power of energy storage as the constraint. The uncertainty of new energy output is simulated by the scenario analysis method, the risk is measured by the conditional value at risk, and the risk aversion factor is introduced. According to whether the predicted deviation power is considered or not, two declared strategies are proposed, that is, the predicted value of new energy generation power or the predicted value of generation power considering the predicted deviation power is considered as the upper limit of declaration power. The analysis results of example show that, in the two proposed declared strategies, the declared strategy considering the predicted deviation power has higher comprehensive benefits and can provide important reference for the new energy. Energy storage cooperative with new energy to participate in the market can effectively avoid the deviation risk and is conducive to promoting the equal development of energy market and auxiliary service market in the new type electricity market with new energy as the main body.
Key words:  new energy  energy storage  deviation risk aversion  deviation power  energy market  ancillary service market  declared strategy  collaborative operation

