LIU Yingpei,YANG Bochao,SHI Jinpeng,ZHU Yuqi.Impedance modeling and stability analysis of MV/LV voltage DC distribution system with ISOP-DAB converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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刘英培, 杨博超, 石金鹏, 朱宇琦
华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院,河北 保定 071003
关键词:  中低压直流配电系统  ISOP-DAB变换器  阻抗模型  稳定性分析  小扰动稳定
Impedance modeling and stability analysis of MV/LV voltage DC distribution system with ISOP-DAB converter
LIU Yingpei, YANG Bochao, SHI Jinpeng, ZHU Yuqi
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
Under the “dual-carbon” target, high proportion of renewable energy and power electronic equipment have become the main characteristics of medium voltage and low voltage(MV/LV) DC distribution system, which makes the stability problems caused by its low inertia and weak damping particularly prominent. Therefore, the impedance modeling of MV/LV DC distribution system with input series output parallel-dual active bridge(ISOP-DAB) converter is carried out and a stability analysis method suitable for the system is proposed. Firstly, the two port impedance model of ISOP-DAB converter and the impedance model of other units are established. On this basis, according to the port characteristics of each unit in the system, the MV/LV DC distribution system is equivalent to two DC subsystems with single bus, and the equivalent impedance ratio of the whole system on the medium and low voltage side is obtained. If and only if the equivalent impedance ratio meets the Nyquist criterion, the system can operate stably. Finally, the time-domain simulation model of MV/LV DC distribution system with ISOP-DAB converter is built based on PSCAD/EMTDC. The effects of constant power loads and DC line parameters on system stability are compared and analyzed through simulation experiment and theoretical calculation. The simulative results verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the small signal model of ISOP-DAB converter and the proposed stability analysis method.
Key words:  MV/LV DC distribution system  ISOP-DAB converter  impedance model  stability analysis  small disturbance stability

