WU Zhenhua,BIAN Xiaoyan,ZHOU Bo,XU Bo,LIN Yi,LIN Weiwei.Island partition method of active distribution network after disaster considering importance of information-energy coupling nodes[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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吴振华1, 边晓燕1, 周波1, 徐波1, 林毅2, 林伟伟2
1.上海电力大学 电气工程学院,上海 200090;2.国网福建省电力有限公司经济技术研究院,福建 福州 350012
关键词:  主动配电网  分布式信息物理系统  孤岛划分  信息-能量耦合  节点重要度  混合整数线性规划  自然灾害
Island partition method of active distribution network after disaster considering importance of information-energy coupling nodes
WU Zhenhua1, BIAN Xiaoyan1, ZHOU Bo1, XU Bo1, LIN Yi2, LIN Weiwei2
1.College of Electric Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;2.Economic and Technology Research Institute of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350012, China
Aiming at the chain failures of active distribution network caused by natural disasters, an island partition method of active distribution network after disaster considering the importance of information-energy coupling nodes is proposed to realize the continuous power supply to important nodes. Based on the coupling relationship between power network and power communication network, the network architecture of distributed cyber-physical system is constructed with power network as the basic network. Combining the business characteristics of energy flow and information flow, the importance of coupling nodes is obtained by the weighting method combining subjective and objective. Based on the global information discovery model, the global information is obtained through local information exchange to complete the acquisition of the input parameters for the island partition model and meet the communication requirements after disaster. By controlling the switching state of automatic switchgear, distributed generation(DG) and energy storage, the active distribution network is divided into several microgrids powered by DG or DG in cooperation with energy storage to maximize the equivalent recovery load. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the example simulation.
Key words:  active distribution network  distributed cyber-physical system  island partition  information-energy coupling  node importance  mixed-integer linear programming  natural disaster

