XING Chao,CAI Wang,BI Guihong,CHEN Shilong,GAO Jingye,WANG Long.Research on boundary frequency characteristics of Kunliulong hybrid three-terminal UHVDC transmission line[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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邢超1, 蔡旺1,2,3, 毕贵红2, 陈仕龙2, 高敬业2, 王龙2
1.云南电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,云南 昆明 650217;2.昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500;3.云南电网有限责任公司昆明供电局,云南 昆明 650011
关键词:  特高压三端混合直流输电  线路边界  频率特性  高频暂态信号  衰减特性
Research on boundary frequency characteristics of Kunliulong hybrid three-terminal UHVDC transmission line
XING Chao1, CAI Wang1,2,3, BI Guihong2, CHEN Shilong2, GAO Jingye2, WANG Long2
1.Electric Power Research Institute of Yunnan Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650217, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;3.Kunming Power Supply Bureau of Yunnan Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650011, China
In order to study the traveling wave boundary protection of the line commutated converter-modular multilevel converter(LCC-MMC) parallel hybrid three-terminal UHVDC line, it is necessary to study the boundary frequency characteristics of the LCC-MMC parallel hybrid three-terminal UHVDC transmission line. The boundary of hybrid three-terminal UHVDC transmission line is asymmetric. The topological structures of Kunbei-side boundary, Liubei-side boundary, the boundary of Kunliu-section line last end, the boundary of Liulong-section line first end, and the Longmen-side boundary are studied. The boundary frequency domain model of hybrid multi-terminal UHVDC transmission line is established, by which, the boundary frequency characteristics of line and the attenuation characteristics of high-frequency transient signals under the boundary of transmission line are studied. The study results show that for high-frequency transient signals, Kunbei, Liubei and Longmen-side boundaries exhibit high resistance characteristics and have a strong attenuation on high-frequency transient signals, the boundary of Kunliu-section line last end and the boundary of Liulong-section line first end have attenuation effect on the mid-low frequency transient signals, and the attenuation of the high frequency transient signals is weak.
Key words:  hybrid three-terminal UHVDC power transmission  line boundary  frequency characteristic  high frequency transient signal  attenuation characteristic

