WU Haiyan,JIANG Qin,LI Baohong,LIU Tianqi,ZHANG Min,WANG Tengxin.Fault current suppression method of multi-point hybrid cascaded DC system based on virtual impedance[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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吴海艳1, 江琴1, 李保宏1, 刘天琪1, 张敏2, 王腾鑫2
1.四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065;2.国网山西省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,山西 太原 030012
关键词:  多落点混合级联直流系统  协调控制策略  故障穿越  限流措施  虚拟阻抗
Fault current suppression method of multi-point hybrid cascaded DC system based on virtual impedance
WU Haiyan1, JIANG Qin1, LI Baohong1, LIU Tianqi1, ZHANG Min2, WANG Tengxin2
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;2.Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Taiyuan 030012, China
There is a unique power surplus problem of modular multilevel converter(MMC) in multi-point hybrid cascaded DC system. When a short circuit fault occurs in the receiving end AC system, the MMC overcurrent and overvoltage will cause the MMC valve blocked, which may further cause system power interrupted. The rectifier-side of multi-point hybrid cascaded DC system adopts the line commutated converter(LCC),and the inverter-side adopts the cascade connection of LCC and multiple MMCs. A fault current suppression method suitable for fail occurred at receiving end AC system is proposed. The fault current is reduced by introducing a virtual impedance in the MMC control at inverter side without additional equipment. The control introduction, calculation and input realization process of virtual impedance are elaborated in detail, and a model is built in PSCAD/EMTDC for simulation analysis. The results show that the designed virtual impedance controller can realize the fault current suppression effectively and prevent power reversal, so as to achieve the successful ride-through of AC faults and reliable power transmission of hybrid cascaded DC system.
Key words:  multi-point hybrid cascaded DC system  coordinated control strategy  fault ride-through  current limiting measurements  virtual impedance

